Sunday, January 18, 2009

Shed Mountain

This past Sabbath, I got the rare opportunity to do something besides pathfinders in the afternoon. The pathfinders had a camporee this week, so no one was here. To take advantage of this rare opportunity Noy, Naphi, Jasline (I hope I spelled that right), George, Joel (one of Noy and Naphi's friends from Spicer) and I all went on a hike to Shed Mountain. I had heard many things about Shed Mountain (mostly that there was a shed on top of it and that it was a popular hiking destination for the pathfinders) and was excited to see it for myself. So, we set out, and, after an hour or two of walking through fields, climbing over train tracks, and traversing dangerously swampy terrain we reached the base of the "mountain" (it's actually just a slightly overglorified hill). We scrambled to the top and enjoyed the view of Hosur while Jasline and George picked out the plant life which had pierced them (I think there was some dead, sharp grass that got them). After that, we headed back and arrived at the campus half an hour to an hour after dark.

It was great fun to get to do some hiking again - I had forgotten how much I missed it. It was great to see some of the Indian country-side a little closer (I think I could see most of the places we went from the roof of my apartment building) and climb some rocks. I mostly wrote this post to give some background for some pictures I took on the trip. You can see all of them, as always, at my Picasa Web Album.


Nicol Clark said...

Where and with whom was the second hike, the one where you had breakfast and a devotional?

Unknown said...

Ah, that was with pathfinders just outside of our campus. That was the one hike that was about 8 hours long. We left from the campus, walked down a road, cut across the countryside, found some hill to climb, and then looped around back. It was supposed to be a 15 mile hike and I think that's about how far we went - really hard to tell, though.