Friday, April 28, 2006

The New Ride

I finally picked up the bike today. It's going to be sweet, I can't wait to take it on some serious trails - I just rode it out in some orchards by my house - it was pretty fun. Here are some pics. They're not very good quality because the lighting was bad.

Just some shots of the bike.

Looking pretty sweet.

Some random pics of me messing around on my driveway/porch - my brother was the photographer, so blame him if you don't like them.

Everything is set up perfectly because it just came from the bikeshop - we'll see how long that lasts, I'll have to learn my maintenance stuff.

The one below is pretty funny - if you look closely, you can see that my face looks kind of funny, funnier than usual that is. It's because I was making sweet whooshing sound effects while my brother was taking pictures.

About to ride down the stairs - oh yeah, that's hardcore.

And, finally another picture of me on the driveway.

That's about it for the pictures. Finally, I'll be able to go up to Fort Custer like I've been wanting to. It should be pretty sweet. The riding I've done so far was just a couple of miles through some sandy tractor roads and some singletrack that wasn't really meant for bikes in some woods near my house. Can't wait to see what this bike is really made of - oh wait, I think it's aluminum, yeah, it is, I remember now.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More about my Bike

I can't believe it, my bike still hasn't come yet. I called the bike shop last week and they said that UPS lost it in Denver. I hope I get it soon because I wanted to go out to Fort Custer (just like the last two weekends). I really want to go this weekend, though, because I'm thinking about going to a race there on the 7th of May - hopefully that works out. You can check out the info on the race here.

It looks like it might be kind of fun. They're giving out 4 Gary Fisher Mountain bikes Cake 2 Mountain Bikes it's just a raffle so maybe I can win one.

Oh yeah, and finals are next week so if anyone reads this and feels the need to pray for me, please do.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Haro Thread 8

Ordered my Haro Thread 8 last Friday - here is the info on it: Haro Thread 8.
It should be here around this Thursday - I'm hoping to take it out to Fort Custer (Southwest Michigan - where I live) on Saturday, but my brother wants to ride four-wheelers with my friends, so we'll see how that goes.