Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Even My Mom Knows About Symfony

I was chatting with my mom on Facebook the other day (yes, she's on Facebook) and I noticed that my status message had not been updated in a while. I thought briefly about what to change it to, and, since I have been spending a good deal of my time lately learning Symfony via their very informative Jobeet tutorial, I changed it to: "Steven is learning Symfony."

My mom saw that I had changed my status message and commented, "Why are you learning Symfony?"

I told her that I had gotten involved in a project that was using it and that I would be able to use it for some other projects in the future, if I liked it (which I do). Then I explained to her that Symfony is a PHP framework. What came next was the part that surprised me.

She said, "Yeah, I've heard of Symfony."

"Really?" I said, with my mouth agape (fortunately she couldn't see me -- we were chatting on Facebook, remember).

"Yeah," she said, "I think I heard about it from Brad or something."

At this point I probably owe the reader a little background. My mom used to have a position supporting a database at a University and rubbed shoulders with programmers quite frequently (Brad was her boss who also happened to be a programmer). She also took a PHP class once upon a time, but I know she did not learn about Symfony from that class (I was in the class).

Despite my mother's more-colorful-than-average technical background, I think it is still quite impressive that she knows about an open source, web application framework that even I have not known about for very long. So, I will leave it up to the reader to decide: either my mom is exceptionally cool or Symfony is becoming a household name. When I put it like that, I am inclined to choose the former, but I still see this experience as an indicator that open source software is starting to make its mark on the world (love you Mom).


Nicol Clark said...

Your mom is exceptionally cool. I had to wikipedia symfony when you posted that as your status.

Or maybe your sister is uncool... Or just not a computer geek like you two. ;)

Ashley said...

I support the 2nd option, Nicol... :oP It's not you.

Unknown said...

@Jeff and Nicol: Haha, I don't know if I'd call mom a computer geek :P - I wouldn't say that you're uncool either, though.